
CRTA wishes to remind politicians that the election campaign has been suspended

We urge politicians, both in power and in opposition, and especially the President of the Republic Aleksandar Vučić and other public officials to refrain from actions during the state of emergency and the entire nation’s fight against the epidemic, which in many ways leave the impression that they are still in the election campaign. We expect the President to exhibit statesmanship, and discharge duties vested in him by the Constitution, and not to give the public a reason to conclude that the dramatic situation in society is being used to reap political benefits.

Election campaign present even before the elections were called, CRTA submitted nine charges to the Anti-corruption Agency

CRTA’s election observation mission has started the long-term observation of the pre-election period in Serbia in accordance with international standards for an independent election monitoring by citizen organizations. A team of 120 long-term observers has been monitoring key segments of the campaign for election of Members of the Parliament three weeks before the elections were…

More than 1.700 trained CRTA’s observers will monitor the election day on June 21

CRTA’s election observation mission finalized the recruitment and training of more than 1.700 observers who will be deployed at the random representative sample of 500 polling stations on the Election Day on June 21. Observation of the election process at this sample will enable CRTA to report on election developments, as well as compliance with the law and electoral procedures at all polling stations in Serbia.

Olivera Zekić’s standpoint can be interpreted as a call to media bias

The claims that Olivera Zekić, the REM Council member made in the interview for the daily Večernje novosti, saying that television with national frequency ”do not have the obligation to provide space for the boycott advocates” are confusing for the public and can be interpreted as inadmissible interference with media editorial policy, as well as threatening the interest of the public to be informed as comprehensively as possible about the election process.

REM remains tin-eared for suggestions from a public debate

On the basis of a Draft Rulebook for carrying out the obligations by public service broadcasters, that the Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media  (REM) adopted on January 20th, CRTA regrets that the REM clearly has no intention to exercise its legal role and to protect the public interest in the electoral process. The adopted Rulebook did not include any of the essential suggestions made by the participants in the public debate that took place by the end of last year.

REM still avoids protecting the public interest

There won’t be any improvement of electoral conditions in the field of equal media representation if judged on the basis of two documents published by the Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media – Draft Rulebook on the manner of fulfilling public media service obligations during the election campaign and Draft Recommendations for commercial media service providers on ensuring representation without discrimination during the election campaign to all registered political parties, coalitions and candidates.

CRTA proposed a draft Rulebook on electronic media obligations during the election campaign

Since the Rulebook on electronic media obligations during the election campaign was repealed in February 2019, and drafting of a new one did not begin eight months later, CRTA prepared and offered a draft of the new document. CRTA prepared  the draft Rulebook  on the basis of the findings of monitoring previous election cycles and its recommendations in the field of media and the equal media representation of all actors in the election process.