A warning measure imposed to a city official due to public officials’ campaigning

/ 30.11.2018.

The Anti-Corruption Agency  imposed a warning measure to Andreja Mladenović because he conducted a public officials’ campaign and abused his position of a Deputy Mayor for promotion of the election list where he was a candidate. The Agency submitted to the competent Misdemeanour Court in Mladenovac a request for initiation of misdemeanour proceedings against Andreja Mladenović.

The best candidate for the Commissioner should be selected in a transparent procedure

/ 23.11.2018.

More than 60 civil society organisations, media, business, professional and scientific communities’ representatives urged the competent Committee for Culture and Information of the Assembly to select the new Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection in a completely open and transparent process, in accordance with the Law.

Parliamentary Insider for November 2018.

/ 15.11.2018.

The second issue of the Parliamentary Insider newsletter covers sessions held in November, summaries of adopted laws, the comparative analysis of the parliamentary Code of Conduct, monthly statistics, including the reaction of the Open Parliament initiative to the latest event in the Parliament – arrival of 2019 budget proposal in the parliamentary procedure. In other words, all parliamentary activities in November 2018.

Roadmap on Good Governance in Serbia for 2017

/ 12.11.2018.

“ACTION SEE provides a platform for dialogue and a concrete tool for measuring the degree to which state institutions uphold principles and standards of open governance through its Index of Openness. The project aims to increase the inclusion of civic society and media organisations in decision-making processes and the creation of public opinion and policies, as well as to raise the capacity of civic societies to address sensitive issues.”

Parliament openness in Serbia 2017.

/ 02.11.2018.

In cooperation with partners from the regional network “ActionSEE”, the CRTA has prepared a proposal of practical policies in which levels of transparency, openness and accountability of the legislative power in the West Balkans region were analysed. The proposal is a result of a comprehensive research, based on methodology, undertaken by the members of the network…

Openness of the executive power in Serbia and in the region 2017.

/ 02.11.2018.

In cooperation with partners from the regional network NGO “ActionSEE”, the Centre for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) prepared the index of openness of institutions in which we analyse a level of transparency, openness and accountability of the executive power in the Western Balkans region.

Parliamentary Insider for October 2018

/ 15.10.2018.

First issue of the Parliamentary Insider monthly newsletter covers all events and activities of the Parliament in October, but also a part of the September activities – when one special and one extraordinary session were held prior to the beginning of the Autumn Session – or the period from September 21st to October 26th 2018.

Transparency in decision-making processes in the Western Balkans

/ 28.09.2018.

This paper presents the results of an inquiry into transparency of public decision-making in four Western Balkans countries – Serbia, Montenegro, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was inspired by a similar study conducted by Access Info Europe and partners during 2017.

Recognition for the affirmation of the public’s right to know awarded to CRTA

/ 28.09.2018.

On the occasion of the International Day of the Public’s Right to Know, the Institution of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection awarded the recognition to the CRTA for a special contribution to the affirmation of the public’s right to know.

Our topics


Democratic culture

Because politics is not just for politicians. It is our human and citizen right to participate in the processes of making decisions which influence our lives. A dialogue has no alternative.


Free and fair elections

Because elections are the pillars of democracy. It is every citizen’s right to decide on whom to give his/her vote in free and fair conditions. Our vote is valuable and it can make a difference.


Open institutions

Because institutions serve the citizens. We need strong institutions with integrity which protect the public interest.


Free media

Because media should ask questions and critically analyse the reality. We need the media which protect the public interest and tackle the needs of the citizens.