CRTA: Amendments to the Bill of the Law on Modifications and Supplement to the Anti-Corruption Agency Act

/ 02.12.2019.

CRTA has developed proposals for amendments to the Bill of the Law on Modifications and Supplement to the Anti-Corruption Agency Act. The Bill, proposed by the Government, has entered the legislative procedure of the Serbian Parliament on November 14th, 2019 as result of the round-table discussions between the government and the opposition parties on the electoral conditions in Serbia, currently being facilitated by the European Parliament. The start of the plenary session where the MPs will debate and decide upon this Bill is scheduled for December 9th, 2019. Proposals for amendments that, among other issues, aim to offer a more comprehensive and substantial legislative solution for the phenomenon of public officials campaigning, that is also in line with the OSCE/ODIHR 2017 priority recommendation no. 2, have been submitted to all Serbian MPs.

The CRTA proposes amendments that would prevent a public officials’ campaign

/ 29.11.2019.

In order to substantially improve the election conditions, and above all, to disable the public officials’ campaign, the CRTA legal team made a set of amendments to the Bill on amendments to the Anti-Corruption Agency Act and the Law on Prevention of Corruption that have just entered the parliamentary procedure.

2020 budget adopted: A step on the long way to substantial budget control

/ 28.11.2019.

On behalf of the CRTA initiative Open Parliament, we positively evaluate the fact that the draft Budget Law was submitted to Parliament within the legally prescribed deadline, and that reasonable time for discussion in plenary was provided in accordance with the procedures foreseen by the law and the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly.

Truth-o-Meter’s Tenth Anniversary

/ 27.11.2019.

Jubilees are, as a rule, an opportunity to enumerate effort and success. For pride and praise. In the spirit of Truth-o-Meter  that defends the truth, the main message of the campaign marking our tenth anniversary is not enthusiastic.

Creating the rule of law through dialogue

/ 19.11.2019.

“Only through a joint dialogue that will help us define desires and direction in which we want to move forward, can we achieve the rule of law in which citizens’ rights will be respected and laws enforced”, was the conclusion brought by the panel discussion “Discussion on the Rule of (Un) Law” organised by CRTA  and the  Politikon Network.

We insist that Igor Mirović be held accountable for misuse of public resources

/ 18.11.2019.

We urge the competent prosecutor’s office and the Anti-Corruption Agency to urgently react and initiate the proceedings against Igor Mirović, president of the Executive Committee of the AP Vojvodina Council who admitted in the N1 TV show that he had committed a crime
of misuse of public resources for political purposes.

Roadmap on good governance

/ 13.11.2019.

ACTION SEE provides a platform for dialogue and a concrete tool for measuring the degree to which state institutions uphold principles and standards of open governance through its Index of Openness. The project aims to increase the inclusion of civic society and media organisations in decision-making processes and the creation of public opinion and policies, as well as to raise the capacity of civic societies to address sensitive issues.

Openness of the Judiciary in Serbia and in the Region in 2018

/ 12.11.2019.

This year’s research confirmed that we still do not have a satisfactory level of judicial openness. Courts and prosecutors’ offices in the region on average meet less than half of the openness indicators. It is not encouraging that this result is almost the same as last year. On the contrary, it indicates that the issue…

CRTA files criminal charges against responsible persons in the Government of the AP of Vojvodina

/ 14.10.2019.

Due to suspected misuse of public resources for political purposes, CRTA will file another criminal charges as it found that among the more than 200 vehicles registered outside Lučani, observed on the day of the local elections in that municipality, on  December 16th, 2018, there was a Skoda Superb owned by the Government of the AP of Vojvodina.

Our topics


Democratic culture

Because politics is not just for politicians. It is our human and citizen right to participate in the processes of making decisions which influence our lives. A dialogue has no alternative.


Free and fair elections

Because elections are the pillars of democracy. It is every citizen’s right to decide on whom to give his/her vote in free and fair conditions. Our vote is valuable and it can make a difference.


Open institutions

Because institutions serve the citizens. We need strong institutions with integrity which protect the public interest.


Free media

Because media should ask questions and critically analyse the reality. We need the media which protect the public interest and tackle the needs of the citizens.