The Government not to adopt legal solutions that prevent all citizens from the right to access information of public importance

/ 13.04.2018.

Civil society organisations and media are prompting the Government of the Republic of Serbia to withdraw solutions foreseen in the Draft Amendments to the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance that reduce the achieved level of citizens’ rights. We wish to warn that the foreseen solutions endanger the insight into the work of public institutions that are financed by citizens’ money or that possess significant public resources and that they increase the right of authorities to avoid accountability for the issues regarding the management of public institutions.

CRTA Director’s speech from the OSCE Democracy Defender Award 2018 ceremony

/ 16.03.2018.

Speech given by Vukosava Crnjanski, CRTA director, on the OSCE Democracy Defender award ceremony that took place at Schwedenhaus Wien on March 16th 2018

CRTA received OSCE Democracy Defender Award 2018

/ 16.03.2018.

CRTA is recipient of the 2018 OSCE Democracy Defender Award. The Democracy Defender Award honours a person or group for exceptional contributions to the promotion of democracy and the defence of human rights.

Belgrade Elections 2018 – Preliminary Statement on the election Day

/ 07.03.2018.

The quality of election process on the Election Day was not in line with international standards for free and fair elections. Serious breaches of electoral procedures were recorded at eight percent of polling stations. In comparison with 2017 presidential and 2016 parliamentary elections, the percentage of recorded irregularities at polling stations is higher.

Election Day Not in Accordance with Democratic Standards for Free and Fair Elections

/ 05.03.2018.

The quality of election process on the Election Day was not in line with international standards for free and fair elections. Serious breaches of electoral procedures were recorded at eight percent of polling stations, while occurances such as evidencing voters in parallel lists and bringing groups of voters to polling stations to cast a vote were recorded in front of seven percent of polling stations, the CRTA election observation mission stated.

Results: List „Aleksandar Vucic – Zato sto volimo Beograd“ won 44,9 percent of votes, Dragan Đilas 19 percent

/ 04.03.2018.

According to 81 percent of processed data within the CRTA’s election observation sample, the list „Aleksandar Vucic – Zato sto volimo Beograd“ won 44,9 percent of votes.

Until 7 pm, 48,2 percent of citizens have voted at the Belgrade City Council elections

/ 04.03.2018.

According to the CRTA election observation mission, a total of 48,2 percent of citizens registered in the voters list have voted at the Belgrade City Council elections until 7 pm. Margin of error was +/- 0,4 percent.

Until 4 pm, 36,9 percent of citizens have voted at the Belgrade City Council elections

/ 04.03.2018.

According to the CRTA election observation mission, a total of 36,9 percent of citizens registered in the voters list have voted at the Belgrade City Council elections until 4 pm. Margin of error was +/- 0,3 percent.

Our topics


Democratic culture

Because politics is not just for politicians. It is our human and citizen right to participate in the processes of making decisions which influence our lives. A dialogue has no alternative.


Free and fair elections

Because elections are the pillars of democracy. It is every citizen’s right to decide on whom to give his/her vote in free and fair conditions. Our vote is valuable and it can make a difference.


Open institutions

Because institutions serve the citizens. We need strong institutions with integrity which protect the public interest.


Free media

Because media should ask questions and critically analyse the reality. We need the media which protect the public interest and tackle the needs of the citizens.