
CRTA started to observe an electoral process full of uncertainties

CRTA has formed an observation mission for the upcoming 2022 elections, and has begun to observe the period leading up to the official start of the election campaign. Our long-term observation will be focused on the work of state institutions and potential law changes, reporting of televisions with national coverage and local media, as well…

Analysis of the Agreement on Improving the Conditions for Holding Elections

The Agreement on Improving the Conditions for Conducting Elections (the Agreement) and the accompanying conclusion, resulting from an inter-party dialogue conducted under the auspices of the Speaker of the National Assembly (without the mediation of the European Parliament), provide for significant changes in the electoral process, just three months before the start of the election campaign for the scheduled regular presidential and Belgrade elections and the early parliamentary elections in 2022.

Apply for the School of Independent Election Observation

If you are a young person who believes in the importance of free and fair elections as the fundamental values of a democratic society, this School will help you to get acquainted with the political and institutional mechanisms for conducting elections and the methods of work of the CRTA’s observation missions.

Analysis: Measures proposed by the co-facilitators in the EP mediated Inter-Party Dialogue will not ensure conditions for fair and free elections

CRTA analyzed the Measures to Improve the Conduct of the Electoral Process, proposed by the co-facilitators in the course of the Inter-Party Dialogue mediated by the European Parliament, published on 18 September 2021. One segment of the proposed measures comes as a result of a political agreement – these measures constitute temporary solutions, and go beyond the existing legal and institutional framework. Assessing their enforcement will, therefore, require analzying their actual effects in practice, during the observation of the upcoming elections. The following analysis is strictly focused on legal solutions which are in line with the existing legal and institutional framework, and their possible reach and compliance with domestic legislation, as well as with international standards and recommendations by domestic and international observers. 

The state keeps ignoring the essential election problems

The Opinion of the Serbian Government Working Group for cooperation with the OSCE and ODIHR in implementing recommendations to improve the election process was presented on March 1st at the meeting monitored by the CRTA in capacity of observer, will not contribute to solving key election problems existing in Serbia.

Before it’s too late: CRTA presents a proposal for 5 key changes for fair and free elections

As we mark the 30th anniversary of the first multiparty elections in Serbia, with less than a year and a half to go until the regular presidential and Belgrade elections, as well as the announced early parliamentary elections, CRTA is presenting a proposal for five key changes necessary for elections in Serbia to become substantially, and not just formally, democratic. 

CRTA aborts the Observation of the Re-Voting Process on July 1 Due to Epidemiological Situation

CRTA’s election observation mission has made the decision not to observe the re-vote at 234 polling stations due to the current epidemiological situation. With full responsibility for a large number of citizens, members of our civic election observation mission, who should be deployed to polling stations, and considering the accelerating number of infected persons evidenced…

Minimal Standards Fulfilled, Democracy Endangered

In terms of the quality of the election day conduct and, more significantly, the entire election process, 2020 parliamentary elections are the worst among the elections that CRTA observed thus far – the CRTA’s election observation mission concluded. CRTA’s mission monitored the election day in parliamentary elections at the random representative sample of 500 polls, which ensured the assessment and reporting on regularity of the election conduct for all polling stations.