Openness of the Local Self-Governments in Serbia and in the Region in 2016

/ 16.07.2017.

Local self-governments fulfil less than one half of openness indicators

/ 14.07.2017.

The overall openness index of local self-governments in Serbia is at a very low level as self-governments fulfil a total of 39% of indicators, according to the analysis “Openness of local self-governments in Serbia and in the region”.

Insufficient level of openness of courts and public prosecutor’s offices

/ 11.07.2017.

Judicial authorities in Serbia and in the region fulfil less than one half of openness indicators which leads to a conclusion that an urgent action is needed in order to improve the openness, as found out by the research “Openness of judiciary authorities in the region and in Serbia”.

Openness of the Judiciary in Serbia and in the Region in 2016

/ 02.07.2017.

Parliamentary Openness in Serbia and in the Region 2016

/ 15.06.2017.

Openness of the Executive Power in Serbia and in the Region in 2016

/ 10.06.2017.

Final report – Presidential elections 2017

/ 30.05.2017.

Serbia held regular presidential elections on April 2nd 2017. The CRTA observation mission “Citizens on Watch”, monitored the entire electoral process (pre-election period, Election Day and post-election period) on the territory of Serbia, as a local independent non-partisan observer. Please find full report regarding presidential elections 2017.

ACTION SEE on POINT conference: Governments do not understand the importance of the principle of openness

/ 26.05.2017.

The Index of openness in SEE region, based on the research conducted by the ACTION SEE network, points to many similarities between the neighboring countries.

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