In order for the elections to be fair, the condition is that the participants in the election campaign race from approximately equal positions. By signing the Copenhagen Document (CD), Serbia has committed itself to respecting the rights of its citizens to participate in the power either directly or through representatives, freely elected through a fair election process (CD 6). The laws of the state must allow political campaigns to be conducted in a fair and free climate in which political parties and candidates will not be prevented from freely presenting their views and opinions (7.7). In order to achieve this, it is necessary to: ensure equality of participants in the candidacy process, prevent abuses in the financing of the election campaign, and especially the misuse of public resources in the election campaign, as well as to improve the actions of the Anti-Corruption Agency in the election process. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure equal media representation, freedom of choice, adequate protection of electoral rights and the integrity of the electoral process through better regulation of the work of the electoral administration.