A total of 9,8 percent of citizens voted in parliamentary elections by 10:00 (margin of error 0.4 percent). In comparison, voter turnout by 10:00 at the 2022 parliamentary elections was 10 percent. 

Voter turnout at parliamentary elections on the territory of Belgrade by 10:00 amounts to 9,6 percent (margin of error 0.1 percent), which is higher than in 2022 when the turnout in Belgrade was 8,4 percent in this period. 

A total of 6.500.666 citizens registered in the Voters’ List have the right to vote in republic elections, and 1.613.369 voters in Belgrade. 

Voter turnout during the day can only be reported for the level of parliamentary elections, as the instructions of the Republic Electoral Commission, when elections are held on multiple levels, prescribe that polling boards count only the number of voters who signed the excerpt from the Voters’ List for voting at parliamentary elections. 

CRTA election observation mission has 3.000 observers, trained in accordance with the highest international standards, who monitor the election day. Observers are deployed at polling stations from the very preparation of polls for opening at 6am, until the official announcement of election results by polling boards, ensuring the complete overview of developments at polling stations. Mobile teams of observers are deployed to monitor developments in front of polling stations.

CRTA reports on the conduct of parliamentary and Belgrade elections on the basis of two random samples of polling stations, representative for Serbia (500 polls) and Belgrade (500 polls).

Polling stations in Vranje, Kursumlija, Raska and Tutin, designated for voters from Kosovo and Metohija, are not included in the CRTA’s sample for Serbia, however CRTA observers collect the information on the voting process at these polls as well. 

CRTA does not have observers deployed to monitor the voting process at polling stations abroad nor in the correctional facilities. 

The regular media conference of the CRTA election observation mission is scheduled for 12:00. You may follow the conference live at the CRTA’s Facebook page and YouTube channel