The Code of Good Practice obliges public authorities to ensure respect for neutrality, which refers to the election campaign (VC I.3.1), and the body in charge of law enforcement must be independent (II.3.1.a). In order for these standards to be met, it is necessary to undertake the following:

  1.  Improve the mechanism for electing members of the REM Council

    Numerous violations of procedures and non-compliance with statutory deadlines by the National Assembly during the previous period marked the election of members of the REM Council. For that reason, the implementation of this recommendation implies, first of all, a change in the practice of the National Assembly and consistent adherence to the procedure and deadlines for the election of members of the REM Council provided by the Law on Electronic Media. In addition, in order to achieve a higher degree of independence of the Council of REM, it is necessary to amend the provisions of the Law on Electronic Media governing the election of members of the Council. In that sense, it is necessary to consider the change of the structure of authorised nominators, and especially the possibility of excluding the Committee of the National Assembly and the Assembly of AP Vojvodina from the circle of nominators of candidates for a member of the REM Council. In addition, it is necessary to specify by law the education, work experience and other conditions necessary for candidacy for a member of the Council.

  2.  Improve the mechanism for reviewing the responsibilities of members of the REM Council

    In order to determine the responsibility of the REM Council members in a timely and efficient manner, it is necessary to amend the Law on Electronic Media in order to redefine the grounds for dismissal of REM Council members, to precisely determine the body responsible for conducting the dismissal procedure preceding the decision-making at a plenary session of the National Assembly and to clearly define deadlines for the implementation of all phases in the procedure of dismissal of members of the REM Council.

    Furthermore, it is necessary to amend the Law on Electronic Media by introducing the obligation to report on the fulfillment of indicators of success of the work of the REM Council as a part of the annual reporting on the work of the REM. When it comes to supplementing the mandatory annual report of the REM, such a legal solution can provide an argumentative basis for the National Assembly to assess and evaluate the work of the members of the REM Council. As var as the trust of the entire public is concerned, such a solution can contribute to the increase in confidence in the REM institution.