Please allow citizens to vote in elections without the fear of “chaos and civil war”

CRTA invites all participants in elections, especially the highest state officials, to stop frightening citizens and encouraging the atmosphere of fear in the election campaign, in order to decrease tensions in the public.
The most recent and most drastic example of the lack of accountability is an official announcement of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, where the Minister Aleksandar Martinovic states that opposition parties prepare for causing “chaos, and even civil war”. Before this statement, the Prime Minister Ana Brnabic also talked about intentions of the opposition to “destabilize the country” and cause “chaos”.
It is the responsibility of the Government of Serbia, the mentioned ministry, as well as other state institutions engaged in and connected to the elections conduct, to ensure free and fair electoral conditions, and offer arguments in addressing all suspicions in the integrity of the election process.
State institutions need to provide the public with facts and verified information, and not to disturb citizens by announcing violence.
CRTA reminds the public that the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government failed to allow an independent verification of the voters registry, thus increasing the lack of trust among the public.
In addition, the Ministry of Internal Affairs should timely provide the public with correct information regarding the allegedly mass and organized cases of the change of citizens’ residence, in order to eliminate or confirm doubts in the so-called “phantom voters”.
It is the responsibility of all parties to motivate voters through programs and policies, and refrain from using the inflamatorry rhetoric and spreading rumours that further decrease citizens’ trust in elections, despite the “frenzy” of the electoral race.
The state needs to be above all party conflicts and negative campaign strategies in order to ensure citizens’ peaceful insights into the electoral offer and voting in elections freely and without fear.