Middle management capacity building training: Terms of reference

CRTA is Belgrade-based non-profit, non-governmental organization with 10 years of advocacy experience. CRTA’s mission is focused on the establishment of a democratic culture in Serbia, with citizens empowered to participate in political processes and active in raising demand for accountable and democratic performance from their representatives and institutions. In this regard, CRTA launches, manages and supports civic activism initiatives targeting the democratic deficit in Serbia.
Within CRTA’s organizational structure, its middle management team is responsible for ensuring a sound management of CRTA’s complex program portfolio. Consisted of leaders of CRTA’s different program teams, middle management staff members coordinate individual projects and initiatives, including managing of daily teams’ operations through division of tasks, roles and responsibilities among team members, ongoing supervision of activities and quality control of deliverables.
Towards supporting the growth both within individual teams and the organization as a whole, CRTA invites an expert consultancy for further strengthening of middle management skills and competencies, including concrete skills such as decision making, facilitation and meeting management, offering feedback, managing relationships through training and coaching.
Purpose of the assignment
The main purpose of the assignment is to strengthen CRTA’s middle management staff on managing people and driving CRTA’s strategy, including through developing leadership and managerial skills, effective meeting practice and smart decision making, introducing new practices and dealing with resistance, assessing performance and giving feedback.
Details of the application process can be found here.