“In effect, do we elect?” – Report from Discussion Table on Prosecution in Election
As a basis for the discussion, participants were provided with CRTA’s research on the work of the prosecution in cases related to electoral irregularities from the electoral process in December 2023. The research showed the performance of prosecutor’s offices across Serbia in cases formed from complaints during the 2023 and 2024 elections. It revealed that out of 170 cases handled, only 2 were conclusively resolved, 55 criminal charges were dismissed, and 70 are still in the pre-investigative phase. The working document also presented an analysis of the prosecutor’s actions in response to CRTA’s complaints and several cases reported by the media. Finally, the document concluded with recommendations that CRTA considers as potential solutions and improvements to the current situation in the Republic of Serbia. The working group consisted of participants engaged with this issue in Serbia, the region, and around the world, including public prosecutors, members of electoral commissions, members of parliament, and representatives of civil society. The discussion was closed to the public.