CRTA’s Initiative Before the Constitutional Court: National Assembly Illegally Adopted 54 Laws

CRTA has submitted an initiative to the Constitutional Court of Serbia requesting a review of the constitutionality of 54 laws adopted during the Second Session of the Second Regular Sitting of the National Assembly, held from November 25 to 27, 2024.
In the document numbering thousands of pages, that was submitted to the Constitutional Court, CRTA has detailed a series of serious violations that breach the Constitution, the Law on the National Assembly and the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure.
While procedural violations are unfortunately not uncommon in our parliament, this session reached an extreme that could be described as a festival of unconstitutionality and illegality. The National Assembly, through the severity of its violations, hit the lowest point in its history during this controversial session.
Due to the scandalously irresponsible conduct of Ana Brnabić, the President of the National Assembly, the legislative process was brutally abused, and parliamentary debate effectively abolished as a key element of parliamentary work and decision-making. The contested acts also include the 2025 budget, the final account for 2023, amendments to the Criminal Code, and a range of laws in the fields of finance, energy, environmental protection, public administration…
The main reason CRTA is calling on the Constitutional Court to bring the National Assembly back into framework defined by the Constitution and the law lies in the fact that debate is an essential and fundamental element of the legislative process.
By unlawfully restricting debate, manipulating procedures and voting, and preventing the consideration of proposed amendments, the highest representative body has been reduced to a mere instrument for the automatic and non-transparent approval of proposed laws.
The Constitutional Court of Serbia has a duty to defend the National Assembly as the most important democratic institution through which citizens exercise their sovereignty.
Read the full initiative for the constitutional review of the 54 laws here (available only in Serbian).