CRTA designed roadmap for improvement of good governance in Serbia

On the basis of conducted analyzes and research, organization CRTA, in cooperation with partners from the regional network of civil society organizations „ActionSEE“ , has developed Roadmap on good governance for state institutions in the Republic of Serbia. The road map contains a set of concrete steps and measures for improving good governance in our country.
Having in mind that good governance is based on four organizational principles: transparency, accessibility, integrity and awareness Roadmap contains set of concrete steps and measures in order to improve current situation in every of four organizational principles. Giving the fact that all four organizational principles are applied in all branches and levels of government, the Roadmap contains a set of concrete steps and measures for executive, legislative and judicial authorities as well as local self-government.
As the starting point for designing the Roadmap, the Index of Openness was used as a composite indicator composed of a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators that measure the degree of openness of government in the Western Balkan countries. The assessment was conducted in the period from October to the end of December 2016. Based on the data and results of the research, analyzes have also been developed which also contain a set of recommendations and guidelines for institutions.
In order to measure the degree of institutional openness, the ACTION SEE partners, adhering to international standards, recommendations as well as examples of good practice, assessed institutions through special quantitative and qualitative indicators, which assess institutions on the basis of: access to information on official websites of institutions, quality of a legal framework for individual cases, other sources of public informing and questionnaires delivered to institutions.