
An appeal to civil servants to conscientiously perform their duties and protect laws, institutions and public interest in elections

Due to indications pointing to possible abuses of state institutions in cases of election corruption, the CRTA Election Observation Mission has sent out letters to around 1600 addresses of officials in city and municipal administrations throughout Serbia, appealing to their personal and professional responsibility, and reminding them that they are legally obligated to protect the…

Civil servants and government employees must prioritize law over party interests

Due to indications pointing to possible abuses of state institutions in cases of election corruption, the CRTA Election Observation Mission has sent out letters to around 1600 addresses of officials in city and municipal administrations throughout Serbia, appealing to their personal and professional responsibility, and reminding them that they are legally obligated to protect the…

The campaign is marked by inequality, threats, and doubts

The initial phase of the pre-election campaign has been characterized by the inequalities of participants in the race, particularly in terms of the significant advantages the ruling parties gain by abusing institutions, further continuing to blur the line between themselves and the state. There are also doubts among the public about the integrity of the…

CRTA Election Observation Mission Commences Monitoring of the Electoral Process

CRTA has activated its observation mission ahead of extraordinary elections scheduled for December 17, 2023. As in previous years, CRTA’s Election Observation Mission will monitor the entire electoral process, including the campaign, Election Day, and the post-election process up until the official declaration of results. A team of long-term observers, deployed across all regions of…

At the repeated vote at the polling station 6 in Bujanovac majority of votes went to the electoral list “Coalition of Albanians from the Valley”, attempts to breach electoral procedures recorded

A total of 618 out of 1.089 citizens with the right to vote, i.e. 56,7 percent, voted at the second revote within parliamentary elections at the polling station 6 in Bujanovac (Veliki Trnovac), which is less than in the previous revote which recorded a turnout of 64 percent.