

A total of 55,5 percent of citizens voted in the presidential elections by 19:00 (margin of error 0.9 percent). In comparison, voter turnout by 19:00 at the 2022 parliamentary elections amounted to 55,1 percent.  Voter turnout at parliamentary elections on the territory of Belgrade by 19:00 amounts to 54,8 percent (margin of error 0.4 percent), which is higher…

Second Interim Report Of Long Term Election Observation – Summary

The campaign for the extraordinary parliamentary and Belgrade elections took place in an atmosphere of systematic abuse of institutions, public functions and the most influential media, which placed electoral actors in an unequal position. Mass cases of falsification of signatures for candidacy marked the process of the submission of electoral lists. Worrying allegations of pressure…


CRTA’s election observation mission expresses the highest concern regarding the large number of cases of organized transfer of voters from other communities and countries to vote in Belgrade, which were, among other incidents, recorded during the first half of the election day.  Concentration of busses, pick-up vans and cars was observed on several spots in…

Turnout by 1pm

A total of 26,6 percent of citizens voted in parliamentary elections by 13:00 (margin of error 0.6 percent). In comparison, voter turnout by 13:00 at the 2022 parliamentary elections was 26,7 percent. Voter turnout at parliamentary elections on the territory of Belgrade by 13:00 amounts to 26,1 percent (margin of error 0.3 percent), which is higher than…

The culmination of the campaign is marked by increased pressures on citizens

The systematic abuse of institutions, public functions, and the most influential media, which put electoral actors in an unequal position, marked the campaign for the extraordinary parliamentary and Belgrade elections – is one of the most important findings of the “Second Interim Report of Long Term Election Observation” that the CRTA Election Observation Mission presented…

First Interim Report Of Long Term Election Observation

The CRTA Election Observation Mission assesses that the course of the election campaign thus far has been marked by pronounced advantages which the ruling parties have gained through the abuse of institutions and manipulations of the electoral calendar. In less than two years, the second extraordinary parliamentary and Belgrade elections were announced. Extraordinary provincial elections were…

Three Thousand CRTA Observers to Monitor Election Day

Three thousand CRTA observers, trained according to the highest international standards, will monitor Election Day, specifically the quality of the voting process in the parliamentary and Belgrade elections on December 17th.  CRTA’s Election Day reporting will be based on two random samples, representative of Serbia (500 polling stations) and of Belgrade (500 polling stations).  The…