Belgrade Elections 2024 – Final Election Observation Report – Summary

The elections for the members of the Assembly of the City of Belgrade, held on June 2, 2024, were marked by a decline in electoral integrity and quality, the rule of law, and the democratic capacity of society. Due to the boycott by a part of the opposition and a record low turnout, the lowest in the past 16 years, with 200,000 fewer voters compared to December 2023, the legitimacy of these elections remains questionable, although they’ve resulted in a majority that was more than sufficient for a new city Council. The results emerged from the electoral process that was far below democratic standards.

The legal framework for conducting elections can be assessed as compliant with the requirements of democratically organized societies, which is necessary but insufficient for a good electoral process. The inter-party dialogue on improving electoral conditions, which occurred, bafflingly, alongside the election campaign, did not result in a better environment for the June elections. 

CRTA’s observation mission noted the spread of previously known election practices, which systematically influenced voters’ will, created an illusion of pluralism, and seized the electoral infrastructure in favor of ruling parties. This again confirms that the line between the state and ruling parties is all but erased. Electoral engineering was once again documented, used to abuse and undermine electoral rules. Due to electoral engineering combined with a lack of accountability, the June elections cannot be considered free and fair.

Since the announcement of these elections, CRTA has emphasized that these elections must be viewed as a continuation of the December elections – those that were severely compromised by proven manipulation of the electoral will of the citizens of Belgrade, first and foremost, through illegal and illegitimate electoral engineering

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